Pellet therapy is the most effective method in obtaining and sustaining optimized hormone levels and symptom reversal. The pellets dissolve over time releasing a steady flow of hormones. Customizing the therapy for each individual is critical to the therapy’s success.
It is an innovative delivery method of bio-natural hormone therapy utilizing rice sized pellets that are inserted underneath the skin. The overall procedure is less painful then having your blood drawn for testing. In most cases the pellets are placed under the skin of the lateral buttocks.
Not only are hormones in pellet form the most effective treatment for stabilizing hormone levels; they also are the most compliant from the patient’s perspective. Pellet therapy delivers a much more consistent flow of hormones into the system and are capable of keeping those balanced levels optimized for extended periods of time.
The quality of life given back to every man or woman is excellent. You may experience any or all of the following.